Friday, February 29, 2008

Writing Skills

We have been talking a lot about writing, the writing process, and what makes a good essay a lot in class. In fact, most of you are probably tired of it by now! Effective writing is a skill that continues to grow as you do. The truth is we concentrate so much on writing because it is an extremely important life skill.

Questions to consider:

Why are your writing skills so important in today's world? Why is it so important to support what you are saying? How do you think your writing skills have improved this year?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson is one of the most revered presidents in our history. He was an avid reader, an architect, and a man of the people. He believed in limited government, a nation of small farmers, and living an honest, moral life. His presidency was full of many accomplishments.

Question to consider:

What do you think were Jefferson's greatest achievements and why?

Friday, February 22, 2008

American Patriotism

Patriotism is the love for one's country. One of the results from the War of 1812 was an increase in American patriotism. Americans were proud of their victory and their country. This victory gave the United States credibility in the world.

Question to consider:

From what you know about American history, when is America's patriotism usually at its highest? Why do you suppose that is? Give an example of when America's sense of patriotism was at an all time high.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Westward Expansion

We've been learning a lot about exploration opening up the West for American pioneers. The problem was the land was already occupied. Conflicts over land rights between the Native Americans and the American settlers became commonplace after the opening of the Louisiana Territory.

Question to consider:

In looking at the world today, do countries have the right to expand, and at what cost? How does the expansion of a country affect others? Do the ends justify the means?