Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rule with an Iron Fist

This past week you have discovered firsthand what it's like to try and accomplish things in a non-structured environment. Those were the problems with the Articles of Confederation. It was a weak government because the states had all the power and there was no central authority. It's understandable why they set it up that way, however, because they just fought a revolution to get away from a tyrannical government. Through this past week's experience you now understand why a strong central government is important and necessary.

Questions to Consider:

What is the right balance of power between having a strong central government, and having that government be too powerful? What steps did our creators take to ensure the government could not overstep its bounds and rule with an iron fist? Do you think our current government has grown too powerful? If yes, how so?

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Everyone Roots for the Underdog

This post is kind of a fun one. Yes, you still get your extra credit! We just learned about how the Americans defeated the powerful nation of Great Britain to win their independence. It was one of the greatest upsets in history, as America was a huge underdog given the disadvantages they faced. I'd like to know some of your thoughts on other major upsets in the history of mankind.

Questions to Consider:
What do you think is the greatest upset of all time by a big time underdog? It can be history related, sports related, or anything else you consider an upset. Have fun with this one!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

American Revolution Test Review

Study your notes, and know them inside and out! Try and learn things in context instead of rote memorization. Think of it as a story. If you're confused about anything ask away!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Who's the Sheep and Who's the Shepherd?

Teachers will harp on students about responsibility until the end of time. They are constantly telling kids to get their homework done on time, get to class, bring your materials, and the list goes on. When we take a step back and look at government, citizens are always harping on them as well. Ken Blanchard, prominent businessman and author of "The One Minute Manager" once said, "Too many leaders act as if the sheep...their people...are there for the benefit of the shepherd, not that the shepherd has responsibility for the sheep. In learning about the American Revolution, it seems that England lost sight of what a shepherd is supposed to do.

Questions to Consider:

What are the responsibilities of a government? What roles must they serve? What rights of change do citizens have if their government is not assuming these responsibilities?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Chapter 6 Test Review

If you hit a snag while studying, never fear! Post any and all inquiries here, and I'll get to them as soon as I can. Remember, I have a dinner tonight so I won't answer right away. Be patient, and good luck tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Right On!

Philosopher John Locke argued that people have natural born rights. Rights that every human being on the planet should have. He further went on to state that government's job is to uphold and protect these rights. The English colonists living in America were beginning to think their rights were being violated. Eventually, they would choose to revolt in favor of a government that would protect these rights.

Questions to Consider:

What exactly do you feel are our natural born rights? What rights should everyone have no matter what? Do you think our government today upholds and protects these rights? Why or why not?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Our Little Region is Just Growing Like a Weed!

We have been learning about the growth and development of the three colonial regions: New England, Middle, and Southern. Each experienced growth in different ways. Some were through cash crops, others through shipping and trade. Some regions grew because of immigration, others because of climate.

Question to Consider:

The Heartland Region which includes Nebraska has steadily grown since the mid 1800's. What reasons have attributed to the growth of the Heartland?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's a Risky Business, but Somebody's Gotta do it!

A little over 400 years ago The English established their first settlement in Jamestown. Jamestown experienced many difficulties before finally becoming successful. They were faced with starvation, disease, exposure to harsh climates, and conflicts with themselves and Native Americans.

Establishing a colony can be pretty risky. Not only is there a risk of the unknown, but it is a financial risk as well. Currently people are looking ahead and wondering what the future might hold for us. There might be a time when we colonize other planets. This leads us to our topic of discussion.

Questions To Consider:

If we were to begin colonizing space, what problems might we encounter? Would we have any similar difficulties as the Jamestown colonists?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Welcome Hurricanes!

Welcome everyone to an exciting new school year! This blog is designed for you to think about what we are learning in class in a more current setting. That way you can understand how some of this "old" stuff relates to you. You will receive one point of extra credit when you respond to a post. Only I can start a new post. Feel free to keep the thread going with debate and discussion. I only ask that you be respectful and courteous. Remember not to expect to see your comment right away because I have to approve it first. Also, don't forget to use your screen name. Have a great school year!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Civil War Test

Tough test tomorrow so ask me anything you need to. I'll try and answer every 15 minutes or so. Good luck tomorrow!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Civil War

Currently we're learning about the Civil War. Wars are constantly being fought all over the planet, every day, throughout time. There are all kinds of wars including major wars, minor wars, wars about religion, and wars with each other. It is often said that civil wars are the worst of them all.

Questions to Consider:

How might a civil war be worse than other wars? How would you rebuild a country torn apart by war?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Todays Youth: Future of America?

Usually the I keep this blog strictly history and class related, but something has been weighing on my mind for quite some time which I would like some feedback. I'll spare you the "back in my day" speeches, but I've seen some alarming trends in the last ten years as a teacher. I used to think the lack of respect for authority was increasing, but now I truly believe that kids today don't see what is wrong with the way they talk to and treat adults. Over the last 3 years, there has been a jump in missing assignments, tardies, insubordination, profanity, bullying, and harassment. However, in the same time teachers have worked harder than ever to engage students and make connections only to have their spirits crushed by a 14 year old kid. Teachers are trying to relate, incorporating technology in their lessons, trying to get away from lectures, using the Internet as a resource, but this blog being the perfect example clearly these strategies are not working.

Questions to Consider:

What is your opinion of today's youth? What is your opinion of teacher's today? With the understanding that there has to be guidelines and expectations, what should teachers/schools do to better relate to students? In your opinion was is the best overall way to educate and reach kids today?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Chapter 15 Test

Hopefully things are going well for you, but if you're here I'm guessing you're stuck. No problem! Ask anything you're stuck on and I'll do my best to help you out. The Cubs are on tonight so be patient. I might not be as quick as usual to answer your question! Like always, read through the other questions to see if your has already been asked, and don't ask me every single question on the study guide. I'll help you study, but I won't do your work. Good luck tomorrow!

Monday, April 13, 2009


In the upcoming weeks, we will learn about the causes and beginnings of the Civil War. The Civil War was fought for different causes depending on which side one was on. Northerners were fighting to preserve the Union, and eventually liberate the slaves. Southerners were fighting for their way of life. Most often, fighting for a cause or something you believe in comes with sacrifice.

Questions to Consider:

How much would you be willing to sacrifice for a cause? Are there any causes that are worth losing your life? If so, what kind of causes are worth such a steep price?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What's Radical?

Pictured above is the famous John Brown of Kansas who felt very strongly against the ideals of slavery. He hated slavery with every fiber of his being. He was responsible for the deaths of 5 people in the Pottawatomie Massacre. He tried to lead a slave revolt by capturing an arsenal in Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Some people approved of his actions while some called him a radical and a terrorist.

Questions to Consider:

What is the difference between having strong beliefs and being a radical? Is it an act of terrorism if you agree with the principles behind it?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Chapter 11 Test Review

I will answer any and all questions related to Chapter 11 right here! Be patient, I can only answer so fast. Please read all questions before asking because someone might have already asked your question. Try and be as specific as you can when asking so you question is not too broad. Good luck on your test tomorrow!

Is This Really Progress?

Throughout history man has come up with new technologies, inventions, and advancements to improve our way of life. Many inventions have had tremendous impacts on society. Some examples include the wheel, gravity, telegraph, automobile, planes, television, computers, and the Internet just to name a few. Yes there are a lot of great things, but is new really better? There were other inventions like guns, grenades, the cotton gin, and the atomic bomb. Were those positive impacts to society?

Question to Consider:

Are new ways of doing things always beneficial?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Fledgling Country

The United States is a pretty young country when you put it in historic perspective. We declared our independence over 230 years ago, and won. Now what? The founders had a lot of decisions to make concerning how to develop our nation. As we have learned, they definitely had their ups and downs. As young as our country is, it isn't the youngest. Montenegro, a small country in Europe restructured and became a new nation in July of 2006.

Question to Consider:

What problems might a new country encounter? When answering, think about a variety of different things. Don't just use the United States as a reference point.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

What Makes a Good Leader

President Obama is now a month into his presidency. He was elected as our 44th president because many Americans were impressed with his good leadership qualities. Whether or not he will be a good leader remains to be seen. The early presidents we've discussed in class also exhibited good leadership qualities.

Questions to Consider:

Drawing on what we've learned and your own personal experiences, what makes a good leader? In your opinion, who are some of our history's greatest leaders, and why do you feel that way? What makes you a good leader?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Chapter 9 Test Review

Need help with Washington's presidency? Strict and loose construction got you down? Well then you've come to the right place. Let me know any snags you run into while studying and I'll be sure to help out. I usually respond every 15-20 minutes so be patient! Read through other posters because they may have already asked your question. Tomorrow I'll have a new topic on the blog for you to get some extra credit.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Constitution Test

I hope you're all studying hard for your Constitution Test. If you have questions, you've come to the right place. Post your questions and be patient for the response. I answer them as fast as I can. Remember I won't be home until after 8pm, but I'll answer all questions until 10pm. Good luck!