Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Monroe Doctrine

In the early 1800's, countries in Latin America were winning their independence from Spain and Portugal. At the same time, Russia was establishing colonies in the Pacific Northwest. As you have learned, gaining independence can leave a country weak and vulnerable. President James Monroe worried that other European nations might take advantage of the situation by taking over the exposed Latin America causing a threat to our own national security. President Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine in 1823 which forbid further colonization in the Americas, and that any attempts to do so would be met with hostile force. This document set a major precedent in foreign relations. From this point on, America will protect weaker countries when it is in our own national interest.

Questions to consider:

Using the Monroe Doctrine and our current foreign policy as a reference, do the strong have a moral obligation to protect the weak? If so, to what lengths are the strong obligated?

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